
Marketing Audience

Our target audience is anyone looking to get quality investment exposure to the Solana Space as part of a diversified investment strategy, especially high net worth individuals.

We will focus primarily on organic marketing strategies to keep the expense down and attract the “right” kinds of holders who are vested in the long term interest of our project.

  • Continue to engage in the Web 3.0 Twittersphere by sharing what we do

  • Market to Web 2.0 audience of stock traders, high net worth individuals

Marketing Strategy

  • Networking with primarily large established projects / DAO’s through Spaces discussions on investment and projects, and their respective discord channels.

  • Word of Mouth

  • Innovative Twitter posts, highlighting the strength and savvy of our investment strategy and approach, big wins, crafted due diligence and trading plans.

  • Short form Videos for organic marketing on Tik Tok, Youtube, and Instagram Reels simultaneously

Last updated